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B & P Lamp Supply, Inc., Lamp Shade Frames, Mc Minnville, TN

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Home > Electric Lamp Adapters

Electric Lamp Adapters | Lamp Parts

When it comes to "electrifying" antique oil or kerosene lamps or antique glass lamps, we offer you a selection of electrified kerosene burners that is second to none! Whether you have an original antique kerosene lamp, or maybe just a nice early "Mason jar" that you would like to turn into a lamp, we have an adapter that will be easy to install and safe to operate. If you need originally-styled reproduction antique lamp parts, you have come to the right place!


Antique Style Electrified Burners

Antique Style Electrified Burners

Lamp Making Kits and Adapters

Lamp Making Kits and Adapters