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B & P Lamp Supply, Inc., Lamp Shade Frames, Mc Minnville, TN

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Home > Electronic Switches, Dimmers, Light Controls

Electronic Switches, Dimmers, Motion Detectors, and Dusk to Dawn Sensors

These electronic switches, dimmers, and sensors are relatively new to the wholesale lighting parts market. However, they can offer wonderful utility for your customer who is looking for convenience and safety features from his or her lamps and fixtures. Our Dust to Dawn and Motion Detector controls are an economical answer to equipping indoor and outdoor lighting to protect your home and save money on utility bills. Our wireless controls allow your customers to add a light switch close to an entry door without hiring an electrician. Also, convenient USB chargers may be easily added to a table lamp to charge cell phones and tablets.

If you need advice about which electronic switch will be best for you or your customers home lighting upgrade, please contact us at [email protected]

1 - 2 of 2 products  

USB Adapter for Inline Wiring to Lamp Power

USB Adapter for Inline Wiring to Lamp Power

Full Range Slide Dimmer

Full Range Slide Dimmer