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Home > Glass Lamp Shades by Shade Style > Mission Style Glass Lamp Shades

Mission Style Glass Lamp Shades

Our Mission style replacement glass lamp shades are based on early designs from the late 1890s to around 1915. Mission, and Arts and Crafts style lighting have experienced a strong resurgence in recent years. Both styles are characterized by a "function over form" design philosophy which usually dictates a simple, strong form, and the use of natural materials. People who are looking to restore a lamp or fixture from the Mission or Arts & Crafts period may find excellent quality replacement glass shades at Antique Lamp

1 - 7 of 7 products  

Straight Side Inside Sandblast Mission Fixture Shade

Straight Side Inside Sandblast Mission Fixture Shade

Wide Straight Side Inside Sandblasted Mission Fixture Shade

Wide Straight Side Inside Sandblasted Mission Fixture Shade

Satin Amber Mission Fixture Shade

Satin Amber Mission Fixture Shade

Satin Amber Mission Fixture Shade, Wide

Satin Amber Mission Fixture Shade, Wide

2 1/4" Inside Sandblasted Mission Style Fixture Shade

2 1/4" Inside Sandblasted Mission Style Fixture Shade

Satin Amber Pan Light Fixture Shade

Satin Amber Pan Light Fixture Shade

Inside Sandblasted Etch Mission Gas Shade

Inside Sandblasted Etch Mission Gas Shade