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B & P Lamp Supply, Inc., Lamp Shade Frames, Mc Minnville, TN

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Home > SWIVELS, Couplings, Loops/Hooks

Antique Lighting Brass Hardware

We offer high quality brass hardware for the manufacture and restoration of early style and antique lighting. All lamp necks, lamp reducers, arm backs, lamp swivels, lamp hooks, lamp loops, fixture loops, and lamp couplings are available in solid brass. Be sure to check product listings for different metal finishes that are available.

***Please click on the product photos for complete information & pricing


Brass Loops and Lamp Hooks

Brass Loops and Lamp Hooks

Swivels, Couplings, Armbacks, Necks, Spindles, Nozzles

Swivels, Couplings, Armbacks, Necks, Spindles, Nozzles

Reducers and Bushings

Reducers and Bushings